Thursday, June 18, 2015

Day 169 - Still at it!!

Oh yes - I'm still at it! And loving every minute of it. And I know - you've heard this all before, but I really feel like I'm on the right track. I'm eating healthy, but not be a nazi about it. But I'm not eating whatever I want whenever I want either. I'm suffering through the passing of the donuts or cakes or even ice creams!! Even though every day I crave chocolate ice cream at the end of my day - but I leave it at that - a craving! That is until Saturday - then I will indulge because I deserve it!

My workouts are fantabulous! The trainers got me workin my butt off -  Or ON I should say! I'm just so motivated everyday - I almost want to do that training every day! But I won't because I also need to make time to run - which I do! I just feel so great the next day after a workout! I love being pushed - being held accountable - there's no way I'd work this hard by myself in my living room or gym. Then on my off days I run! And if I miss the morning run then I run at night! I don't want to miss it because I'm now set on that body image that I had at the beginning of the year. And if I wasn't already doing enough - I walk almost two miles on my lunch break at work! Oh yes - I get sweaty - but oh well - it'll all be worth it!

I told my trainer I will be his best transformation story yet! And I mean it! My mind is set and my body is going. It's my taste buds I'm worried about! 

I haven't seen any results on the scale yet - but I try not to get discouraged because I heard that muscle weighs more than fat so maybe that's what it is. I need to get over the yearning for instant results! Hard work and dedication will get me to where I need to be! 

I will be cutting out Dairy next week though - so good bye cereal - and I guess hello coconut ice cream LOL! Not only will I feel better but my skin will clear up as well. 

Yes - that's a 6 mile bike ride - and it was at the crack of dawn! I like to switch up activities to keep my body guessing as to what I'm working on next. This ride was torture though - legs were BURNing!

Here's an idea as to my activities on a weekly basis - I hope I can increase my endurance and run for longer! I've got that 10K run in July! I need to stop slackin!!

Some of my favorite healthy snacks lately! And that Cinnamon Raisin Peanut Butter is the BEST!!

Even though I try to make healthier choices - I still end up going over my allotted calories! Ugh!

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