Saturday, January 2, 2016

Day 7 - Nothing Special

So my day 7 actually started the night before. It's New Year's Eve and I was gonna make tons of money Ubering. 

It started off with a cafe mocha made with coconut milk, extra shot, no whip, from Starbucks. Officially now my favorite place since they have coconut milk. I tried Dunn Brothers mocha with an almond milk and it's definitely something I will need to get used to. It's not the most tasteful thing to drink. So Starbucks it is. 

I drove from 630pm to 4am, with a little break in the middle to stop at church and ring in the new year. Uber had a special deal with Bobby & Steves gas stations to give uber drivers free Redbull!! But unfortunately they didn't have sugar free, so I took a regular but never drank it. The only snack I have was a handful of walnuts, and wintergreen life savor mints. And even though those aren't sugar free, they helped me stay awake. 

So I got home and slept for a few hours and then went to my regular job for some OT. I got there at 10am and I was draggin, I was soooooo tired. Then I started to get hungry! I really had my mind made up to reward myself with Chipotle, yes I can eat that, I'll show you later because they were closed for the new year. Then Cub Foods was open but only til 2. I looked in the company store, and there was nothing I could eat there. Even their Chili had high fructose corn syrup. So Cub Foods it is. I got an Apple, grapefruit, almond nut crackers, and salad bar, with a coconut water. And I ate that throughout my workday and I was feeling much better. But I saw the almond but crackers have rice flour, so I won't be buying/eating those after this boxe. No rice! Sad I know, but I got goals!

Work ended at 6 and I went home to eat some more. Had a couple chicken legs, some fried sweet potatoes and a bar of my dessert. And then a nap and back to Uber for the night. I don't need to just look good for Florida I need to pay for stuff too, I might be tired, but I gotta get this money while I can! So no I didn't work out, but don't worry, I'm not giving up. 

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