Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Day 32 - Cardio and Arms

Started my morning workout with a 5K. That was great. Got all the way up to 6.3mph at one point. It felt comfortable too,maybe I should be working on increasing my speed before my distance?? I don't know, trying it all for now. 

So I warm up walk for 5 minutes, then I run to the 2K mark, then walk, this time ran another 3/4 of a mile, then when I had a mile to the finish - I increased my incline to 15% for 1/2 mile, then 10% for 1/4, and then 5% for a little more all the way down to 0, then I stopped it because I also used that as my cool down. So I'm pretty happy with this routine. Now to get faster! Plus - look at those calories!! Inclines work it out!!

Then I moved to the machines to get some arm reps in. I did 4 sets of 15 on each, curl I did 40lbs and extension I did 30lbs. So not too bad! Then it was off to the steam room and a shower to get ready for work. 

I grabbed this lovely thing on my way out - and it was amazing! Pinapple and spinach smoothie - soooo goood! 

And that's all I'm going to share about what I consumed because the rest wasn't that great. I had enough Pho on my lunch break to feed a small army. Eggs and sausage for dinner, then a bowl of vanilla ice cream before bed. And honestly I almost don't care. I have to take before pictures and get weighed in for this 90 day challenge. And I feel like if I do too much clean eating then I won't transform as much. So everything within reason - and the beginning of this challenge will set it off. Like my bestie calls me "food snob" in full effect! 

And here's 1 month results - with no avail. I should've taken one before vacation - probably would've made a difference. So here's the deal folks - wanna look better for the long term? Don't let your taste buds go on a vacation with you. Remain a Food Snob!! 

And I found this on Facebook and just thought use share. Food for thought. 

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