Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Day 11/12 - Feeling Pretty Good

ToYesterday I didn't get up in time to have the bulletproof coffee, and I could tell the difference from when I had it the day before. I didn't have as much energy in the morning. Which stinks because as I mentioned we are fasting until 4pm. But it is what it is, and I fasted until 4pm. I started to really get hungry at 3, but I pressed on. And then I pressed home. Where I got to work on making some more Chicken Broccoli Alfredo for the family, but not before I took out some chicken to make the Avacado Chicken Wraps again. This time I added in 1/4 chopped cucumber - and wow - that was great!! And I was full off that. Later I had a grapefruit, but I don't know why because I wasn't even hungry. I didn't end up going to the gym, which I kind of regret but not really. Not really trying to burn myself out either.

On another positive note, and for men who don't like to hear this kind of stuff, skip to next paragraph now. Ever since I got my tubes tied, I get terrible cramping and a horrible heavy flow every month. Pain so bad I want to just lay in bed, the fall over kind of cramps, bad. And now I have my lady time, and although the flow is pretty much the same - I didn't have any cramping! Day 1 of my period I think I had a slight bit but other than that - nothing!! So this is good news! I hope that's attributed to the healthy eating and exercise, because that would give this whole plan a big thumbs up!! We'll see next month I guess. 

Today was another story. Woke up at 3:20am, and I laid there for a bit after praying and didnt know if I should go back to sleep or not. I felt ok and I didn't want to feel worse after sleeping another hour. But before I knew it I was waking up at 6! Well then. I guess no bulletproof coffee again today. And another day hungry but thankful. 

A vendor had stopped by and dropped off food samples at work. Although there wasn't much I could technically eat, I snagged me a soup to have after 4. 

The soup was good but I had to remove all the corn. I don't eat corn. Ever since my very first Whole30, where I learned it was a grain. Now all I think about when I think of eating corn is how farmers give it to cows so they get fat. Nummy -syke! So after removing all this corn, the container was about 1/2 full. So I ate that with some water and coffee. 

This water to be exact, and technically something I shouldn't be drinking either given the ingredients, but I wanted to try anyways. It wasn't good and it wasn't bad. It's like a flat sparkling flavored water. I didn't even finish it. Figured baby might want to try it. 

So after letting that little snack settle, I am off to the gym. There wasn't any classes I was interested in,  so I decided to just run. Gotta get my running in, build endurance. While I was on the treadmill I thought of an idea. I could start with January being 5k and then increase the distance as the month go by, 10k Feb, 15 in March. 

Eww, double chin, gross.  But I made it? But at least I got some exercise today. I feel so wonderful after I work out. And now it's time feed my spritiual mind and body with bible study, then home, eat and apple and get some rest! Another long day tomorrow. And no fasting! Yay! 

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