Monday, January 4, 2016

Day 10 - A Little Cooking

I started the day waking up at 5am and making bullet proof coffee, while I studied the Word. Because we are fasting with the church from 6am-4pm for three days I week I want to maximize and optimize it. Intermittent fasting is actually proven to increase weight loss and be healthier for your body. So I figured bulletproof coffe is a great way to start the day!

And I definitely recommend blending it. I honestly thought it was going to taste better than it did, but I see room for some improvement. At first I thought, why blend? I mean this kinda stuff just melts anyways, so I tried just stirring it in, and that was probably the most oily drink of coffee I've ever had. So I blended it and it's way better. 

And then I fasted until 4. We are not allowed to eat, drink, or exercise. We fast and pray. 

But 4pm finally came after a long day and I didn't have any food but my almond crackers. So I polished off the box from Friday, had a cup of water and tea and then it was off to the gym at 5. Attended another TCX class, there was a guy instructor this time. He was pretty cool, but I swear I was gonna die if he made me jump one more time. I hate jumping, probably because I feel stupid doing it, but seriously though. Squats and jumping, arms and jumping, oh yeah, and more squats. Quads were on fire!! Good thing I had my bestie there to make it fun!! All I kept thinking was Floridaaaa, Floriiiiddaaaa, Florida!

Then I came and made paleo mayo. It's great to make deviled eggs, egg or tuna salad, anything needing mayo. Also thinking about jelepeno bacon deviled eggs - oh man they are so good!

And then I finally got to make this little number for dinner. Chicken Avacado lettuce wrap. It was soooo good. I highly recommend it. I will make this again for sure!! 

Also ended up making some German bread for my boss tonight. It's a sourdough that's been in the making since Saturday. I really hope it works because it was a lot of work. I probably didn't need to attend that class with all the bread kneading I had to do. I was honestly out of breath. So I probably will at least try a slice. We'll see. 


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