Friday, January 15, 2016

Day 21 - On Vacation

I swear sometimes it's hard to find the time to write. Sometimes it's because there's nothing fabulous and sometimes it's because I have the best intentions but end up falling asleep. I have had some good stuff over the past 10 days too, but I keep falling asleep. But now here I am, on vacation in Florida, waking up from a lovely night of sleep, ready to run, aaaaaaand it's raining outside. I'm contemplating whether or not I should still run because the past few days on this vacation I haven't done much and have been trying my best to eat right but somethings you just can't help in the south.  

So we'll see, it doesn't look that bad, but do people run in the rain? Although there is a gym around the corner. I could just go do that also - probably makes more sense. 

Like I said I've been trying to make good eating choices on vacation, I haven't eaten any fast food for sure, but going out to a restaurant with so much good choices is hard to resist. Only problem is when I don't find something Paleo, my stomach ends up hurting really bad for the next few hours and I end up with a food hangover in the morning. It's terrible!! 

Like this lovely meal! Not to mention there was a piece of birthday cake, that some offered us, right before this either. Beans were great! Coleslaw was great! I think those alone would've been good choices to just stick with, but do you see that wonderful chicken? Crunchy greasy all over goodness chicken. You can't come to the south and not eat fried chicken. Well you probably can, and should, but I can't not. And that my friends was not a good idea because my stomach hurt soooooo bad! And as bad as it hurt, I'll probably do it again because I'm on vacation in the south. And no lie, I will stop at Churches Chicken also because that my friends is a tradition. And also the reason I'll get up out this bed and run over to the gym. 

On another note, yesterday morning I climbed a mountain in Georgia to see this sunrise! It was a beautiful sight. 

It was like 30 degrees and windy at the top. And although I had been training on the treadmill with a steep incline, and I'm glad I started doing that, I need to do it more. Or the stair master. Because it hasn't been enough. I keep trucking though, because I knew if I stopped it would be over! But man I was tired! Not sore today though, thank God! But it was a wonderful experience and honestly something I wanted to do on this trip - I love climbing mountains! Literally, physically and spiritually. 

On another positive note, I did this magical thing again before I left - and will have to do again when I get back. But I lost 6 lbs already!! Although I don't know how my fat content went down so much but my weight only a little sooooo. But I'll take it! Movin in the right direction regardless!

So with that - I'm off to start my day - stay tuned! 

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