Friday, March 20, 2015

Day 82 - Surgery Day!!

Finally - it happened! Now to get these stones flushed out and me be on my happy drinking water from now on way.

Got up early this morning to prepare myself. I know it's not a huge surgery, but I'm still under anesthesia and still at the doctors mercy, so it can be stressful just the same. I think I've seen Kill Bill too many times that it all is very uncomforting. But my spirits were up and prayers with me so here we go!! Haven't eaten since 1pm the day prior, haven't drank anything since 10pm the night prior, so I was ready to get this done with just so I could eat. So they wheel me into the surgery room, start taking deep breathes of oxygen while they pumped me up and I was OUT!

Next thing I know is I was waking up in recovery. First things first - where's the water!!   Then I had some graham crackers, and u was good to go!! Took it easy the rest of the day!

On a better note - just signed up for the The Tike fun - 10k - so it's official!! And now commence training!!

I have surgery today, but first let me take a selfie

This is a Stent. They are installing of these into my body

Applying the sound waves to break up the stones into passable sizes. 

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