Thursday, March 19, 2015

Day 80 - 10 of 24 days

Not much has changed. Still fastinkg. Still only eating once a day. Still not exercising. So I apologize if there isn't a daily post but it's a stale blog when I'm writing the same thing day in and day out. I also find myself repeating meals - which is pretty boring too so I save everyone the hassle of reading and the hassle of me writing and just skip the day. 

Yesterday however I made a tuna melt which was super yummy!! And definitely a change from my scrambled eggs. And with carrots and fruit as my sides I can tell my portions are getting smaller. 

Well that was until today - when there was a pot luck at school. Then I had a feast. Twice. I was super sad to skip out on the homemade German Chocolate cupcakes I made until 12:30am the night before, cuz man those look delicious.  The only thing that keep me going strong is the fact that I made them - which means I can make them anytime - especially two weeks from now when the fast is over! But all the other food I could eat was great! Lots of chicken - it was awesome. 

I can tell this no food fast is getting to my brain though. I'm getting dumber each day. I can't think and even when I do it's all wrong. I see why now that food is an essential part of life and well being. So I can't wait to be regular so I can be smart again.

Yesterday's lunch. And today's is too shameful to post so forget that. 

German Chocolate cake. This is the original - I've since altered the recipe into cupcakes. 

Prayer keeps me together. 

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