Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Day 68 - Day 1 of 24

I survived the first day of the fast. There was a couple moments where I was starting to get the hunger pains, but the moment didn't last long. Everything is easy the first day though.  Once it was time to eat - I scarfed down the biggest meal ever!
- scrambled eggs with turkey breakfast sausage
- Paleo apple cinnamon pancakes
- cantaloupe 

Doesn't seem like a lot, but the amount of food on my plate seemed sufficient enough for 2 people. But we only get one meal a day so I gotta make it good. The more Paleo I make it - the more of it I can eat because it'll be good for me.

I will admit that the breakfast sausage isn't paleo, nor is the slice of cheese on my eggs - but if that's as bad as it gets - compared to my eating habits last month - then in doing pretty good!! So happy to say we are off to a great start - physically and spiritually. Well as phyically as I can be I guess, since I woke up this morning with my face feeling like its gonna explode. Sinuses - UGH! I seemed to avoid it all winter and now, ironically following the crap food month, I have a head cold or sinus infection - I'm not quite sure but it sucks!!

Well said Ice Cube! LOL

My meal for the day!

The calorie intake of my one meal - still have nearly 500 unused calories so I know the app will yell at me today 

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