Monday, March 2, 2015

Day 61 - Fast plans

After hearing the fasting plans at Church yesterday - I will not be as outgoing now through the start of it as one would have hoped. The fast is so intense and will be way more food discipline than one would've thought. I didn't go back to eating the crap like I was a few days ago, but beef and pork are omback on the menu until March 9. So here's the highlights of the fast.
1. So eating or drinking until 4pm 
2.  When allowed to eat and drink, only 1 meal - no red meats or sugar
3. No social media or tv watching
4. Pray 4 times a day
5. The last 3 days of the fast will be a continuous fast 

Yes that's right. No food - no drink - for 3 straight days. That will be challenging for sure. I'll feel sorry for the people who will have to deal with me. I may be a little cranky.

No exercise yet. Sad I know, but the plans need to be delayed another week. I don't have enough time to do everything I need to do. Once my husbands car is up and running, opens my available time up to do what I want. I want to run in the morning before work, then do weights in the afternoon or evening. Can't run when I have to be at work at 4am:( I know that's only one excuse because I could be doing something in the evening too, but I'm just lazy - tired - and worn out! Need my energy back!! Grrrrrr

Going to be tough but worth it!!

I almost ate one of these today - but I resisted!! The "Only 1 won't hurt me" almost got me but I was stronger!!

So true!!

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