Thursday, March 12, 2015

Day 71 - Day 4 of 24

4 down - 20 to go. Really it's not even that serious - I mean - I kinda already did this a couple months ago - just a little different. Not to say I'm not starving every day and hanging on for dear life for 4pm to come along, but as long as I keep busy - once 4 hits and I got food in my belly, I'm like "well that wasn't so bad" hahahahha. 

I can tell I'm getting fuller on less food even more so today. I made this super tasty omelet - and I could only eat half of it!! And I could only eat 3 biscuits today instead of 4 (L.O.L.) - but I was still satisfied for the most part. Until I got home from school - then I was a tad hungry. I ate an orange, but only for the simple fact that - if I squeezed the juice out it would be a beverage and that's acceptable so let's just skip all the work and get straight to my belly.

Here's the menu today:
- omelet with: spinach, mushrooms, turkey breakfast sausage.
- cheddar bay biscuits
- watermelon

It's not much - but it was filling and it looked like a lot. And you know the secret to that? Cover your eggs while they cook - they puff up and make it look like a lot - without actually being a lot!!

Hope day 5 is as easy as today.

Looked so good - tasted even better. Good thing I have half of it saved for tomorrow - I love looking forward to food.

I know - the biscuits are killing me..

So true.. Lol!

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