Thursday, December 31, 2015

Day 6 - My First Dessert

I woke up early today to attend a workout class at the gym. I actually woke up before the alarm and didn't feel like going back to sleep! That's a good sign! So I got up and got dressed after Facebook scrolling for a few minutes, and actually had time to make myself breakfast. 

Pinapple, mango, coconut milk, and ice to make my smoothie. I wish I had some Protien powder to put in there. I seen this Chai Protien powder on the Bob's Mill website. I wonder what that tastes like because I like Chai! I haven't looked up any benefits associated with that either so much to look into. And my side of banana. I've been trying to keep those in my diet, and I've had less foot cramps because of it. Bonus!

Attended this class and it wasn't too bad. Even though I got up early, I still managed to be almost late. So I didn't get to pick the weights I needed, just enough time to get my step and get going. So this class is 50% cardio and 50% strength. It's a pretty fun upbeat class, teacher was well informative with the moves also so it made it easy to follow. Not like my feet were but my brain was. I worked it and thought I was done with that half, and I shouldn't even have looked at the clock because it actually had only been 15 minutes. Ugh! I continued to muscle through the class even though my legs were jello and the weights weren't heavy enough, and the squats were definitely not low enough. I finished and on my way to the day. And that's why I like early morning workouts. 

I get home an nuzzle into the couch with a grapefruit and almond chips to continue season 6 of The Walking Dead marathon. I managed to take a break later in the afternoon to make some real food, eggs and bacon, and finally a chance to make a dessert!!

Paleo Triple Layer Chocolate Caramel Layer Slice. And man that top layer made with avocado was sooo good! I only made half a batch - which was 4 bars - but I will definitely consider making these again. 

That's the beautiful thing about Paleo, I can still have all the good stuff - just made without all the bad stuff. 

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