Thursday, December 31, 2015

Day 5 - My Healthscore

I had my Healthscore assessment today. Lucky for me, as a new member it's free, but if I want it again it's $100 - eek! So what they do, is take your blood pressure, prick your finger and do a blood analysis, have you stand of that machine to measure body fat, and then put all the results together and give you a score. 

So the only thing I got docked for was percent body fat. No surprise there. He was alarmed at my glucose level which was 42, and apparently normal is 60, even though my mom said 70, but people only get docked if it's too high, not too low. But the number makes sense, since I'm not eating grains and sugar. My mom said my glucose level is similar to someone in a coma, so I better figure a way to get my levels to normal while keeping my dietary lifestyle. 

So here's the body fat, no surprise here. I'm at the very top of average. But I need to get it down to 16-20. Sounds easy enough. I'm sure I'll get there. 

Here's this screen again, looks a tad bit different than the other day, but not so different that it makes a difference. But I just found out a little more this time. And the number I'm focusing on is the 19 lbs if fat, and the PBF (percent body fat). As long as those reduce then I'll feel much better. 

Just a couple of other number I'll be watching. Maybe in a year I'll do another assessment. Should be interesting.

No exercise for me today. But I did buy a fabulous black dress and now I have the motivation I need. I look good in it already but I know I can look better! So excited to show you in a few weeks!!

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