Saturday, December 26, 2015

Day 1 - Yes, I'm back at 1

So last year didn't turn out so well. Same ole story. Lost weight - Gained weight - lost - gained - then gave up. So here I am again to give it another good try. Hopefully I find something that finally sticks. I would love this to be a lifestyle change and not a this year change. That's why I'm starting before the new year because I don't want this to be a resolution. I'm starting now - and there's no time like the present. I don't have any day 1 body shots - but if you remember last year - it pretty much looks just like that!

My main focus is strength training and endurance. I'm going for the Spartan Ultra Beast challenge this year. It's in August - so that gives me 8 months! The regular Beast was exhausting enough - I have to come fully prepared this time. 

So here's what my day 1 was like:

I started my day in a cycle class. Mind you, the last time I tried to ride a bike in the morning, it proved to be a painful experience. I already had it in my head that I was pushing it, but hey - let's give it a whirl. I soon discovered it wasn't any less painful then I remembered, only this time, there were a room full of people judging my every move if I stopped - awesome. So as I cycling away, my thighs on fire and my crotch numb as heo TCXll, I look at the lady in front of me. Now her intbutt is way smaller than mine and I see what it looks like compared to the small bike seat and I can only be thankful that I'm in the back row because I'm sure the seat has been swallowed up in my if ol butt at this point. I finished none-the-less but I really don't know if it's for me. Maybe every once in awhile.
I moved from that class and straight TCX - which isn't a very good idea following a cycle class by the way. And that class was more difficult than the first TCX class I took. But it's one I really enjoy. After all that I was done for the day.

Got home from the gym and grocery store and I was starving! Time to get to work on a poor mans paleo diet. Eggs, with oinon, garlic, green pepper, and tuna. So yummy! Probably gonna eat that a lot!

I also found and tried these bad boys today. Don't get too excited - they tasted like tomato. I was expecting a wow factor and just got blah.
So all in all it was pretty successful day 1.  But then again - aren't they all?

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