Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Day 186 - Spartan Sprint Achieved!

Now in 2 of 3 for earning my trifecta badge! The Spartan Sprint race held here in Minnesota was a blast, hot, but a blast!

I started my day volunteering at the race from 6am-12pm. It actually ended up being until 1, but who cares! I ended up earning a free race!!

My station was the Atlas Carry. This is where you pick up a concrete ball and carry it 30 feet, drop it, do 5 burpees, and then carry it back. The woman's ball is about 85 lbs, I believe, men's is 100.

So after I managed that area it was time for me to race. I almost didn't want to because I felt I was already over heated from being in the blazing sun for 7 hours. But I knew I wasn't going to not do it. So off I went, first thing was to climb the giant ski hill. After some up and down on the hill, I came to the Dunk Wall....

And man did that feel nice!! It was just what I needed. I was refreshed! And one by one I was slaying the obstacles. I did every single one of them by myself, all but 2. The rope climb, and some other monkey ring contraption they made. I am so proud of myself! My first Spartan I could barely do anything, and here I was competing in my 4th and I'm killin the game.

I may never be part of the Elite, but as long as I can keep doing better then my last race, I'll be satisfied. I really thought the Minnesota Sprint was going to be easy, come to find out it's the hardest Sprint they have, because of the distance, 5.25 miles. Took me 2:51 hours, which I'm not very happy about, but the fact I did all those obstacles makes me more estatic then anything! 

Even the javelin throw! 

So here's to me! And now it's time to slay the Beast!

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