Saturday, July 9, 2016

Day 195 - Back to Paleo

Started eating Paleo style this past Tuesday. The girls from team bootcamp and I decided to do it together, and I got my mom doing it also. So far so good! Lost 3 lbs already. Not gonna lie, I've really been wanting cake and really wanting ice cream, but I've been staying strong! 

And it seems no matter where I go there's always these yummy treats taunting me. I even missed a picture of the donuts to include in the picture above, and this was all in one day! A training session at the U provided all of these evil desserts. I stayed strong though, eating my fruit and veggies! Only 25 days to go! Best part is the last day is the day before my birthday, so I can't lie - my birthday I might have to have a day to myself guilt free.....and then right back to it!

I signed up for this race, so that should be fun. I think I may be a little addicted!

And now that I have this I'm ready to start traveling for these events. Over time obviously, but I can't wait to fill it in. I wonder how long it'll take. I'm so interested in traveling that I'm working this into my Moscow trip in December.

Can you imagine! Slovakia!! Earning my trifecta in Slovakia!! Talk about motivation!! Keep eating right, workin out and it'll all pay off!

3 lbs down...... 15 more to go. But I bought a new swimsuit today. Not quite looking good enough for a two piece but I still feel cute! I feel progress and I feel light. So now those tough pesky pounds need to go!

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