Monday, January 25, 2016

Day 31 - Vacation is Over!

Well the vacation actually ended a week ago, but my taste buds stayed out for an additional week. And honestly it's because I pretty much gained back everything I lost prior to the trip back. So I was hungerly depressed. Don't get me wrong, it's totally my fault and all, but still. What a set back. So instead of getting back on track I just stayed off course for another few days. The Church's Chicken and Dunkin Donuts were totally worth it too - I mean how can you not order 50 munchkins and not smile. Donuts = happiness. That is until you have to answer to the scale or the personal trainer - then not so much. 

And there it is, my long lasting suvonier from the trip. Starting back at the beginning. Back to working hard again. Florida is behind me but I've got so many other trips to take that I need to be ready for. Especially Hawaii.

So today I did 30 minutes on this lovely machine. I did an interval walk which the high speed was good but the low speed I felt was too low, so maybe next time, kick it up a notch. 

There's my distance on the stair master. Not too bad I must say so myself. It'll get better. I could totally feel the soreness in my butt today though, so that's a good sign.

Then I did 4 reps of 15 on these two machines, both at 20 lbs. I really thought I was doing something too. That is until an older smaller lady did a rep on the machine while I was on the other, once I came back she was presses about 30 more pounds than I. That's when I felt like a wimp. Then I took 15 minutes in the steam room and then I was done. So not a terrible day for workin out I guess. 

On another note - I just signed up for this and I'm so ready!! $10,000!!!! I'm all the way in. I'm so ready. How motivating is this now?? 


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