Monday, June 6, 2016

Day 163 - Iron Deficiency Anemia

So this totally sucks. I'm glad to find out the reason I'm absolutely exhausted during my workouts now, but it sucks that I'm absolutely exhausted. I know this is a very common thing among women and it's an easy fix, but still, I want my energy back.

I had some blood work done at my pre-op appointment and this is what they found. I'm having surgery to remove a mass that was found in my uterus for all who didn't know. And the unstoppable bleeding I was experiencing lead to this. I was getting dizzy during my workouts and my hematocrit levels kept dropping so I was getting worried. So hopefully I'll get better soon, but until then...

Liver it is!! 

I pan fried it and then added some sautéed onions and mushrooms with some bacon, and it actually wasn't as horrible as I remember. Also going to get some spinach and start making some smoothies in the morning. And then whatever else I can get to get these levels up! I've got a race on Saturday!!

Had my weigh in yesterday was well. 60 day challenge started. Trainer wants me to start tracking what I eat as well. I usually do pretty good with tracking, but it doesn't stop me from eating the good stuff, I just don't track it. 

So here's today. But don't be fooled, it wasn't the heartiest of all the foods. Went to a co-workers house for lunch and she got us all this:

She also postponed her detox for this so, on to tomorrow. It'll be a better day. So much for starting on the first :(

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