Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Day 186 - Spartan Sprint Achieved!

Now in 2 of 3 for earning my trifecta badge! The Spartan Sprint race held here in Minnesota was a blast, hot, but a blast!

I started my day volunteering at the race from 6am-12pm. It actually ended up being until 1, but who cares! I ended up earning a free race!!

My station was the Atlas Carry. This is where you pick up a concrete ball and carry it 30 feet, drop it, do 5 burpees, and then carry it back. The woman's ball is about 85 lbs, I believe, men's is 100.

So after I managed that area it was time for me to race. I almost didn't want to because I felt I was already over heated from being in the blazing sun for 7 hours. But I knew I wasn't going to not do it. So off I went, first thing was to climb the giant ski hill. After some up and down on the hill, I came to the Dunk Wall....

And man did that feel nice!! It was just what I needed. I was refreshed! And one by one I was slaying the obstacles. I did every single one of them by myself, all but 2. The rope climb, and some other monkey ring contraption they made. I am so proud of myself! My first Spartan I could barely do anything, and here I was competing in my 4th and I'm killin the game.

I may never be part of the Elite, but as long as I can keep doing better then my last race, I'll be satisfied. I really thought the Minnesota Sprint was going to be easy, come to find out it's the hardest Sprint they have, because of the distance, 5.25 miles. Took me 2:51 hours, which I'm not very happy about, but the fact I did all those obstacles makes me more estatic then anything! 

Even the javelin throw! 

So here's to me! And now it's time to slay the Beast!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Day 172 - Spartan Super Accomplished

 This past Saturday I traveled to the Chicago area to compete in the Spartan Super race. This race is 8-10 miles. I was only in competition with myself though, because I needed to beat my previous failure. Need I even mention the unfished Ultra Beast?

And let me tell you, it was great! And I can't even lie, pretty easy actually. Pretty easy for a Spartan race, that is. There were no ski hills to climb or super crazy terrain, it was a pretty mild course. I needed some help on a few walls and chose the burpees instead of the obstacle sometimes, because let's face it, sometimes I just needed help, but I also needed to listen to my body. I didn't really jog very much. This seemed to be the first race where it was a hurry up and wait situation, because there were many people and narrow path ways, and oh my gosh - THE MUD! 

Had to be the muddiest Spartan race ever! The one proud moment I did have though; was when the last mile had about 1/4 mile of just straight mud on the trail. Deep enough to lose your shoes in. It was tough but I kept pushing and didn't stop once, but others were not so lucky. Some people were taking breaks on the side lines because they were so tired. I have some words of encouragement but kept moving. That's one thing I can say about the Spartan races is that people encourage and help one another, and I love that. I can't tell you how many times people run pass and just shout some words to help you keep pushing. No matter how slow you go, you're faster than sitting on the couch.

So my mom got me these for my Mothers Day/Birthday Present. They are trail shoes and they made the world of a difference! Where people were slipping and sliding, I was sticking and moving. I will never do another race without them. 

Unfortunately they'll never look the same as the first day again, but they'll work just as good and I love them. If you're ever thinking about doing a run, I would recommend getting a pair of these. They are super comfortable, never came off, and kept me from sliding I don't even know how many times.

And this was a early Happy Birthday to myself. I wanted to get it mainly for my fitness journey, but it was great to have it for the race as well. I knew my pace, how far I ended up going, how long I took, and the bonus of putting it in my FitnessPal was the icing on the cake. I like that it's tracking my sleep cycles as well. The Sleep Cycle app, although helpful, just doesn't work as good in my opinion. 

And here's the results! Not too bad for 8.79 miles. Not to beat myself up, but it could be better, but I'll get there. I'm just glad I finished. I was worried with the iron deficiency thing I'd get too tired, but I listened to my body and didn't push myself too terrible. But I finished! 

Monday, June 6, 2016

Day 163 - Iron Deficiency Anemia

So this totally sucks. I'm glad to find out the reason I'm absolutely exhausted during my workouts now, but it sucks that I'm absolutely exhausted. I know this is a very common thing among women and it's an easy fix, but still, I want my energy back.

I had some blood work done at my pre-op appointment and this is what they found. I'm having surgery to remove a mass that was found in my uterus for all who didn't know. And the unstoppable bleeding I was experiencing lead to this. I was getting dizzy during my workouts and my hematocrit levels kept dropping so I was getting worried. So hopefully I'll get better soon, but until then...

Liver it is!! 

I pan fried it and then added some sautéed onions and mushrooms with some bacon, and it actually wasn't as horrible as I remember. Also going to get some spinach and start making some smoothies in the morning. And then whatever else I can get to get these levels up! I've got a race on Saturday!!

Had my weigh in yesterday was well. 60 day challenge started. Trainer wants me to start tracking what I eat as well. I usually do pretty good with tracking, but it doesn't stop me from eating the good stuff, I just don't track it. 

So here's today. But don't be fooled, it wasn't the heartiest of all the foods. Went to a co-workers house for lunch and she got us all this:

She also postponed her detox for this so, on to tomorrow. It'll be a better day. So much for starting on the first :(

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Day 158 - Cake please!!

I'm gearing up for the Spartan Super in Chicago in a couple weeks. It's only 8-10 miles so it shouldn't be too hard. I did 14.8 which was short of 26 in the Ultrabeast about a months ago, but no worries - I won't fall short again! Determined to show that 26 mile obstacle course who's boss next year!! It was the first time I didn't finish a race, probably won't be my last either. Hate to say it, but that's the thing about making goals, once they're accomplished you gotta set the bar just a little bit higher!!

I didn't find the obstacles very hard. I did get some assistance with climbing walls and such, but the carrying of items was no problem!! So this Super will be no big deal. I also have a Spartan Sprint two weeks after the Super. It's only 3 miles so it should be even way easier. Why all the Spartans?? I was trying to achieve the Trifecta badge this year. But in order to do that now, I would need to sign up for another beast. Which there are a few coming this fall, so maybe I can still do it. Physically I'll be fine, it's just the financial and babysitter for the weekend part I gotta figure out. 

Yes - my subject included the want for cake! I was just fine until a discussion at lunch today included a topic on Costco shopping. Which then had me remember and mention the fact they have this delicious vanilla and custard sheet cake that is SO AMAZING! So now it's all I thought about today. Maybe I should make that my 60 day reward??? Hopefully won't even want it after 60 days....

So I turned my cravings over to these little bastards - LOL! And NO, I didn't eat all of these. I've had this since Valentine's Day, giving myself a treat here and there, sharing with the kids here and there. But today I saw the Best By date was May 2016, so I better get them eaten. 6 should be good for today. I also have to give some to the kids too. The more I share the less that'll get strapped to my thighs so... As much as I love them I must share. 

But I've been good for the last two days though. Small meals, fruits and veggies. Need to get some green leafy stuff in my life though. My hematocrit is pretty low. Lots of my meals also consist of .....

Love Love Love me some watermelon!! Fills you up, hydrates, cleans you out - all the while tasting delicious as ever!! 

Maybe I'll run in the morning....