Thursday, June 4, 2015

Day 160 - I'm back....for real this time!

So about 40 days ago I said I was back.... well, that didn't last very long. Once off the wagon I have found its much easier to just stay off. Maybe walk along side the wagon, jump on once in awhile to take the stress off, but then jump right back off. It's much easier to not exercise and eat whatever I want. Then I don't have to think about it. Every day I thought about the struggle though. Seems like my pants went from fitting just fine to barely getting them to button - like the fat just caught up on me one night. Honestly! Why can't it disappear that fast too? 

Well you should know that I've been doing good for about two weeks now. I'm confident in my strategy to start blogging again. I've been running nearly every morning. And honestly that was the hardest part because I've been doing it outside and in the morning. I struggle with my alarm clock because I'm tired, but if I wake up late, I make it a short 1.5 miles, approx. if I get up on time I can do a full 3 miles. There's been more short miles than full ones though. But I'm happy because it's more than I was doing in prior weeks and as long as I keep doing it the strength will come and my distance will increase naturally. Just like last Friday I did a short run and got my fastest time ever! Honestly don't know how that happened but glad it did!

I also have been to a personal trainer twice now, but continue to go every other day. It's only been twice because I just started. So far so good. Found muscles I didn't even know I had and I'm sore in places I didn't think could be sore. I'm ready to get this body I've never had! Even though people say I look good for having five kids, it's still not good enough to me. Now that I'm done having kids - I want that knockout body! And I WILL have it!! 

Now just to fix my sugar addiction....

There it is! Fastest 1-3 mile run!! Yesssss!

By myself or with my husband I keep it going!! Run run run!!

Been trying to make better choices!! My new water cup - don't know why but through a straw is always best!!

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