Saturday, February 27, 2016

Day 66 - Down 11lbs!!

So it's been 21 days for the 90 day challenge, and we've been in a constant fast with the church for 5 days. I've been getting in at least 3 workouts a week, which I could probably do more, and I will. And I'm still down 11 lbs!! I feel so great!! 

It's been kinda hard though, constant struggle. The fast is helping, but i still wonder what's gonna happen after the fast, because the addiction is real. So I'm hoping I'll stay strong, but I've done 30 days before and we all know how that turned out afterwards. I don't know if I can tell very much in the picture but my clothes do fit differently. 

In addition to the weight portion of the challenge, the no social media thing is also doing rather well. At first, everything I did I was yearning to tell the world bout it through a post, and then I'm like "why?". Why do I need to tell everyone what I'm doing all the time? There are some people I care about and I'd want to tell, but then why not just text or make a phone call? I also take way less pictures now too, because where am I gonna post them? Nobody to show selfies, or what I'm eating at the moment, or the most fabulous kid event I'm attending. I take the memorable pictures, and things for this blog but other than that, it all seems rather mute. 

And now here is a new problem. Addiction to authentic tacos. It is real and I love it. 

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