Sunday, July 19, 2015

Day 200 - After the 10k

So I can't say that I don't deserve the results for my 10k I had last night. 6.214 miles in 80 minutes. So it's not terrible, and to be honest, that's what I thought I'd get, but still - goes to show my plan that I thought would work didn't. I thought if I rested I would just spring into action - and that wasn't the case! Sad, but I'm glad because now I'm getting the motivation I need to do what I need to do.

And what is that? Eat right and exercise! At the same time! I know each separately works. The eating right gets faster results, but both get results individually - and now it's time to put them together. I'm just kidding myself thinking it's working because clearly, from these body shots, where I look like I haven't done a thing in the past 7 months, is not good. Time to put down the donuts and get serious! Time is running out!

Results from the Tiki Run

And there it is! I don't dare lift the shirt either. So disappointing- you don't even have to tell me

Some fun shots from the run:)

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Day 198 - I'm Glad You Asked

Seems like I never have time to write in this blog! I swear I've started one like 5 times now and never finished, some I wrote a title but nothing in the body. I just want to sleep when I get home and I'm so busy during the day that I don't have time. My schedule is tight and I've always got to be somewhere! Things will definitely slow down once I graduate! Then what will I do with my time??? 

So I've really been working at this boxing thing! It's actually really fun, but I don't know if I have what it takes to be a boxer. I'm not really a violent person like that and hitting someone for competition doesn't really seem like a great idea to me - but I definitely like the workout! Dalton, my trainer, does a lot of strength training with me the first 30-45 minutes, and then we box for the last 15-30 minutes. I've never sweat so much in my life! It's kinda gross actually, sweat dripping off my hair, down my back, ick! But I really feel like I'm workin out for once! It's great! 

If you ever think about giving it a try - check out his gym at - you won't be disappointed!! 

I've been laying off the running the past two weeks and to be honest I can totally tell! I didn't want to overwork myself and then fail at this 10k I have tomorrow, so I've been taking it easy. But after the Saturday run -  I'm getting back to it! I wanna go back to running 5 mornings a week and then boxing 3 times! By the time October comes around we'll be ready for the BEAST!

And I know what you're thinking - man this chick flips flops a lot! Honestly I don't know what my problem is - I am can either eat super healthy and not exercise, or I exercise and eat like crap - why can't it be both! Maybe I'm too extreme - maybe I'm not extreme enough??? Maybe I should get hypnotized into not liking food?? That would be awesome!! Wish I had the budget for my whole family to eat from whole foods! I know last year it was $100 a week almost for just me! Granted I was making meals from scratch and actually had time to food prep, which was great! Not now a days! I don't have time for anything!! And then when I do - meal prep is furthest from my mind - how bout some deep house cleaning or laundry that takes priority - or even better yet - throwing my hands up in the air and forgetting it all - just so I can spend some peaceful time being a couch potato - it's terrible! How does one do it?? Kelly Ripa would know - she's a super woman! 

New thing: Giving up Pork for life. Deadline: my birthday - August 4th! So I'll enjoy some last bits while I can and then that's it - game over for porky!

Getting it in with Mr Dalton Outlaw!!

I've decided to be my own inspiration! I look back at old photos and think "man do I look good! And I wasn't happy with that??" Gotta get back to it!!

I had to do ya'll - that hot dog bites pizza at Pizza Hut - man was it good! Prolly have to have another before my birthday!! You have got to try it!