Friday, March 18, 2016

Day 83 - Been Eatin too Much

Why is it as soon as I see a little progress I'm ready to eat up my whole kitchen?? A couple days this week I think I've lost my mind, today being one of those. No more though - gotta stay on track!! 

I mean look at that progress!!! Everything's finally coming together - clothes are feeing good - I'm feeling good - life is good. 

I. Can't. Stop. Now.

What should I do????? I need another mental break through or something. The food cravings need to stop!! 

I could just do this every day to combat it, but I don't think it'll be enough. Pray for me!!

Monday, March 14, 2016

Day 80 - Feelin and Lookin Great!

So my taco streak lasted 10 days, and on the 10th day I was really done, but now I'm feelin the urge again. I had a thing for banana bread for the past couple days also, which is probably not doing me any good, but my tastebuds are having a grand ole time. 

The weight loss portion is doing great!! Finally under 150 lbs again! Clothes I hadn't been able to wear in a long time are starting to fit again. Even though the picture above is the most recent, the stats from the week before were even better, and then I stopped eating tacos and started eating other stuff:( but still under 150 so life is good!!

This is my workout from today - look at the calories lost!! Best and longest so far. I keep working on my inclines too, but I know imma need to ramp it up because....

I signed up for the race!!  And although it's not Hawaii - it's still going to be awesome. And this one is just in time to end the 90 day challenge!! So now I'm really starting to train. In addition to the treadmill, I've also signed up for Team Bootcamp at Lifetime twice a week. And man - I'm gettin tired of squats and lunges!! LOL!! But if I finish this race - imma have to give him mad props!!

And as far as the 90 day challenge goes - I've crawled up to the number 8 spot at the Plymouth location! You have to be in the top 20 to submit an essay. So I'm super excited! I've been mentally writing this thing for awhile but I feel like I should actually get it on paper one of these days so I'm not feelin crunch time and forget all the good stuff. 

No social media is starting to get tough though. I can't believe how much stuff is linked to Facebook, it's almost ridiculous. Most contests I get emailed about are linked, updates, anything. Kinda sucks, but I also feel better not being connected as much, not sharing so much. Kind of refreshing. 

So I'm half way through the challenge, and I know this is when it gets tough, so pray for me to stay strong, because that's what imma do too.