Monday, April 20, 2015

Day 110 - I'm back!!!

The It's been a long time since I've been with the program. It's only been a month or so but seems like forever. I hope I can get back into the swing of things. Last I left off I was fasting with the church and couldn't exercise because of a kidney stone. Well here's some updates.

I went back to the doctor for my post op appointment and the stone was still there. It didn't even look like it moved or broke up at all since the first procedure. So unfortunately for me, another surgery was scheduled. This time they were going to break it up with a laser and pull as many pieces out as they could. And what I found out afterwards is that they went in 40 times to remove pieces, 4-0!! That's crazy. And it was more painful this time too, but I got through it. Today was my second post op appointment. They removed the stent and now I'm ready to get back with the program! Yesterday I went to the trampoline park with my bestie - but don't tell the doc that - LOL!

The fast had also ended since my last post. It wasn't as bad as I thought. The last three days, where there was no eating at all, was pretty brutal, but I got through it none-the-less. I was really getting tired of people telling me how tired I looked! I hadn't eaten in three days, what do you expect!! My first meal when it ended was of course - Chipotle! And boy was I regrettably full afterwards. I really wanted some cold stone creamery afterwards too but there was just no room! I actually came home and passed out on the couch for a little nap just to settle my stomach. Apparently I looked much better the next day because everyone told me so. I also lost 6 lbs during that journey.

But lazy time is over. I don't have weigh in until the 30th, so idk how much of the fasting weight over gained back since all this free eating and no exercise. But I'm ready to get back on it. I've got a vacation to Tennessee at the end of May and I like to look and feel good when I go out of town. So let's get with this!! Shouldn't be anything standing in the way now!!

I've prepped some fruit into the freezer for some morning protein shakes. I've remade some turkey brats - but still need to make the eggs. Only thing left is to figure out the exercise programs that works best for me and do it. Most likely it'll be back to running after school at the gym until it gets nice outside! Then I may switch to running in the AM and weights at night. Who knows? But I gotta do it. Not only for vacation but gotta train for the 10k in July!! Go me!!

My breakfast shake me prep!

Tacos and rice Krispy treats as a last meal.

The stent installed from my kidney to bladder, and of course the large kidney stone.